Democrats understand Sarah Palin is a formidable political force who has upset the Obama victory plan. The latest Washington Post/ABC Poll shows John McCain taking a 12-point lead over Barack Obama among white women, a reversal of Mr. Obama’s eight-point lead last month.
It’s no surprise, then, that Democrats have airdropped a mini-army of 30 lawyers, investigators and opposition researchers into Anchorage, the state capital Juneau and Mrs. Palin’s hometown of Wasilla to dig into her record and background. My sources report the first wave arrived in Anchorage less than 24 hours after John McCain selected her on August 29.
There are only two possible reasons for the Democratic Party to resort to such tabloid-ish antics: 1.) They know that the McCain-Palin ticket is superior to the Obama-Biden ticket on the issues; or 2.) they believe that their ticket is superior on the issues; voters, however, aren't intelligent enough to discern which ticket is better; and so voters ought to be manipulated with A Current Affair/National Enquirer-style politics.
The latter reason fits with Obama's condescending remarks about working-class voters from earlier this year:
"[I]t's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations," Obama said.
It will be interesting to see how Sen. Obama fairs in debates with Sen. McCain. Obama originally bragged that he was up to debating Sen. McCain "anywhere, anytime" back on May 16th, only to refuse McCain's offer of a series of debates throughout the summer.
In the meantime, the sliming of Gov. Palin continues.
h/t: Hot Air
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